
Hey someone hacked m account and if you guys get any mean text messages is not me


R.I.P babygirl so today my girlfriend committed ..... 12/7/15 LOVE YOU ROSEY I still love you u made me happy 24/7 Now I'm just cry and cry maybe even hurt myself too just to see you !!! Your on my mind all the time beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
WOW soooo ig its the best to tell the truth than to not tell the truth but the truth can hurt but u should get over it it's hard to take the truth in 
          FYI : Don't change u just bc u think ur ugly, or not like other ppl just be you don't lie bc at the end some ppl is gonna be REALLY FUCKING PISSED and then sometimes ppl will JUST NOT GIVE 2 fUCKS 
          Me really doesn't care just tell me the fucking truth