
          	Just taking advantage of the platform to wish all of you nice holidays and a Merry Christmas, if you celebrate it. Take good care all of you!


@metheoutsider69 Thanks, hopefully I will write a second story for that. I have an idea already.


@GiuseppeLipardi  love Between Master and Slave. I hope you can write a Part II, maybe ? Happy holidays!


Hi GuiseppeLipardi i saw your replies for my comments in Between master and slave.  My comments are not above the quality of your writing nor the story. There are somethings thT doesn't make sense nor they are logical but your book is good. 


@GiuseppeLipardi Hiiii  Actually, you are really nice. May writers are Scary.. And most of the time I won't comment anything, good or bad, because the writer and reads will gang up on the commenter and they only thing you can think of is to run with your tail between your legs. :P... No jocking. I've seen how sometimes everyone becomes a horrible bully.  People and writers many times think a comment is attacking them and they aren't mature enough, like you, I must say, to know that commenting on a character or event is not saying the book is bad. If a character is built evil then it will tricker discomfort for the reader. If that happens, and if it was the writer's intention, then it means they did good writing it.  Of course there are horrible stories, not only the spilling and grammar, but the whole thing. 
            I like "the road to the greatest evil is paved in good intentions".  You should how everyone is a user.  Governments, police, etc.. or we wouldn't have injustice and forgotten. You have a good approach and smart.. You will see more comments from me. The story tricker all the pain that either hair about or experience ourselves.  The truth is most of the sex trafficking victims never get out until they are dead. And most humans live and die without being known. Disappear from memories when their families are dying too.  You didn't create something bad.  
            and just so I can feel good and hope fantacy is better in real life where good is picky, maybe have another book where Pawel gets out of all of this, be with his family, be the striaght gut he thinks and wants, have a wife, be out of being a slave... and maybe a story about Bobby.   I am just sooo sad. have you seen or read real people and events that they go through this? it is horrible ....


@AuraLightStar Hi, thanks for writing.
            Please don't take my answering to your comments as not accepting criticism. Quite the contrary, I believe the story has a lot of potential and I need to improve it. 
            So I actually liked what you wrote, it gave me food for thought as they say. 
            I believe I wanted to stress how nothing is black and white in life and someone like Joe, who really believes to be a good man is capable of doing harm. There is a say 'the road to the greatest evil is paved in good intentions', I may not have it right. But the idea is that. 
            In this story, everyone is abhorred by what happened to Powell, yet they all take advantage of it for their own reasons.   Unfortunately like you so eloquently said, I might have just created some things that don't make sense, or should be better explained. 
            So thanks again, the time you took to comment really helps me to target what I have to work on and make this and hopefully other stories I want to write better.


I meant about the quality and above 


          Just taking advantage of the platform to wish all of you nice holidays and a Merry Christmas, if you celebrate it. Take good care all of you!


@metheoutsider69 Thanks, hopefully I will write a second story for that. I have an idea already.


@GiuseppeLipardi  love Between Master and Slave. I hope you can write a Part II, maybe ? Happy holidays!


Hi all, Between Master and Slave is finally completed. Thanks to all that have been following this story. Please enjoy reading it and commenting on it. Hopefully I'll be able to keep on writing. I already have a few ideas. But I would also like to know what you think. Maybe you can leave some comments at the end of the last chapter to tell me. Hope you enjoyed the book.
          Giuseppe :)


Hi one more chapter of Between Master and Slave is up. Back in Florence. It kind of gives a summary of what happened, but from a different perspective. Hopefully, you will like it and tell me what you think about it. Was everybody doing their best in the situation?
          Thanks fro reading on. Keep safe...


I don’t speak Spanish enough to translate it. So no.


@ GiuseppeLipardi  hey, i love your story. Would You be interested on translate it to spanish? 


Hi, Master and Slave is proceeding nicely. A lot is happening in the story, so make sure you read and let me know what do you think. Love to see your comments and your votes if you’re enjoying what you read. Please keep safe in these hard times and hope it will all be over soon and we get back to our lives post COVID-19.


Hi I’m excited as a new chapter of Master and Slave is posted in both versions, pg and m. I gave our two heroes a little break. Hope you enjoy the downtime, like usual comment if you see anything interesting you want to mention, or if you want to give your opinion, or how the story is going. Thanks for your votes, love to see the number in the little stars going up. 


Hello everyone, just posted one more chapter of Between Master and Slave, To Make a Slave Invisible. Next chapter should be going online within a day or so, since it is written already. Just have to edit for mistakes and typos. It was originally part of this chapter, but then I thought it may be confusing as it changes the interlocutors. So I split it. Enjoy reading!!! Please vote if you like the story and comment.  


Hi, just posted Night Market, a new Chapter of Between Master and Slave in both the PG and M rated stories. Please let me know what you think. Ps. It is one of the short chapters. But good new is a new chapter will be coming soon as our fugitives try to run away.
          Enjoy and please tell me what you think. Do you think the relationship between Master and Slave is evolving? Comment on the story and enjoy reading.