Teenage mutant ninja angel
Teenage mutant ninja angel
Teenage mutant ninja angel
Angle in a trench coat
Angle power!
Made it up thanks to my little sister who doesn’t even watch Supernatural
Teenage mutant ninja angel
Teenage mutant ninja angel
Teenage mutant ninja angel
Angle in a trench coat
Angle power!
Made it up thanks to my little sister who doesn’t even watch Supernatural
Hi! I decided that I'm gonna start a Q&A. So, if you have any questions for me, ask away (Unless the question is too personal, like where I live or my age). If you do ask, I will give you a shoutout and post all of the questions and answer them on my stories. If the question wasn't answered, it probably was too personal. So...please don't be shy, ask away ♥️♥️♥️
Sup everyone! This is not that important but tomorrow is my first day of school/ first day of highschool. For anyone who is starting school or already has I'm wishing you luck!
Side note: Does anyone else remember the Disney movie Tron?
Hi everyone! I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNABETH!!!! Also tomorrow is Friday the 13th and my birthday! I hope everyone has a great! I'm sending you all love!
~Giver <3
MY NEW BOOK!!!!!!! Its about food and cooking! I would love for you to read it! But I understand if you don't want too. Have a good day!
Today my school had a walk out for the 17 children who died in Florida. For 17 minutes over a 100 students from my school held hands. It was very inspirational. Today we represented those 17 kids and showed our teachers and students who did not participate that we can fight for justice and we will. Together . And that we are not just kids. We are change, peace, and the future.