Wassup my homies? Lol
Anyway I've got a couple nore ideas for Fics bc I've got a TON of TMNT ocs (Three oc's with different versions for different versions of TMNT) and I was wondering if any of you wanted me to make Fics on them with the characters they're shipped with?
Btw, I'm mainly only doing this because I've only got Netflix and can only watch certain TMNT things, and they've only got 1 season of Rise in the US (if anyone knows a location with both seasons of RotTMNT ease tell me, I've got a VPN or if anyone knows any sites where I can get any version of TMNT for free, I've got 2003 on yt, but other than that and a couple of movies- nothing)
So the OC's-
Cath Llywelen (OC I'm using for current Donnie fic) has a 2012 and Mutant Mayhem varient (not TotTMNT bc I cannot find that either) and is shipped with Donnie in all versions.
Yuki Hamato is originally a RotTMNT oc, but has a 2012 varient. She's the older sister of the turtles in Rise, but "yonger" sister in 2012. (they're all the same age, the turtles just pretend that they're older than her.) She's dating Cassandra in Rise and Casey in 2012
Mina Oroku originally only had one variant (2012) but I've recently figured out a way to fit her into Rise, so if anybody is interested in seeing that then I'll make a fic (or do my best to). She's shipped with Raph in both versions. She's the leader of the Foot in Rise and idk how she'd fit into the rest of 2p12 bc on the thing I got 2012 on, season 4 of RotTMNT is swapped with what I can only assume is season 4 of 1987 (a tmnt seris I can find nowhere exept maybe the VHS tapes my grandmother kept from my fathers childhood if they had any.)
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy lmk if you'd be interested in reading a fic to do with these charecters, or if you want descriptions of any of them.
Hwyl fawr!!