
Uhh hello? Hi! I just wanted to ask, like, I have 77 followers and like....why? What's the reason you follow me? I'm kinda really curious c:


Hi guys! 
          I need the help from people who read my story 'How life works'. I'm still thinking about if I should just continue writing where I left off or if I should actually end it there and make a sequel.... Please help me with this! Just tell me what you think is the better option and what you would like the best! Thank you~


Hello guys! 
          I just wanted to ask if some of you knew good Ereri/Riren fanfics (Modern AU) I could read...? The themes I'm currently looking for are:
          	>Singing: Bands, solo, composing, classical music, etc. 
          	>Dancing: Stripper, groups, solo, duet, etc. 
          	>and Drag Queens: I don't know but I really love Levi as a Drag Queen *^*
          They all have to do with music because I love music :) 
          It would be great if you could help me out and Thanks in advance!!! ❤


@dbecrazy hmm well thanks anyway :D


@dbecrazy I've already read them too... Unwanted is the story and imperfect the sequel if I remember correctly 


@dbecrazy Well I know, I already read and I just want it to continue!!! But I'm patient and wait, searching for others while doing so c:


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Hello to the people who actually read this^^
          I'm at the hospital at the moment because I had surgery on my knee. It hurts like hell!! -.- 
          But like I said last time I'll try and update a few chapters starting tomorrow when I'm not so fucking sleepy >~<
          So I hope you're all looking forward to this and tell me what story I should update first! ^^
          That's all for now soo.... Baii~~


Hey Guys! I have a bit to say so yea... 
          First chapter of Student Council Bully will be up today! ^^ But I guess I'll eventually be changing the title to something else... 
          New chapter of How life works will also be up the next few days but I guess it will be on hold for a while because I have writers block... I'll try to come up with an idea together with one of my best friends^^
          I'll also be starting a new story... For the Watty2015 and I'll be writing Sweet scent of flowers in German like it was at first. 
          ALSO!! I'll be entering the Watty2015 with all my stories so hope you'll all help me a bit out and vote for me^^ thanks in advance!!! 
          Last but not least I'll be in the hospital for a few days starting Thursday next week.... Again... Yay P.E. thanks so much for destroying me knee again!! Well whatever I'll be updating all my stories while I'm there so look forward to the next weekend! ^^
          Long note but yeah love you guys!! 


Whoop Whoop!! Writing a new Ereri/Riren fanfic! \(^°^)/ It's an Highschool AU called Student Council Bully and I think I'll update the first chapter at the end of next week. 
          I'm also writing the next chapter of How life works at the moment so I guess it will be up later today^^
          Btw if you're reading The sweet scent of flowers please tell me if I should continue or let it end there. Thx for the help!^^