Sky here;
Yeah I definetly am not updaiting Riptide today.
A few things are going on curently:
Since Christmas was 2 days ago I still have to set up and pack away most of the rubish and set up presents ;(
I also have to clean the house ( also due to allergies)
And well I guess since 2 days ago was Christmas and yesterday I splept in and did nothing cuz Xmas was yesterday.. cuz it's the holidays *shrug emoji*
I also have to get used to the fact that I will now no longer be atending school, so I don't have to shift my focus to next year starting another school year.
And lets be honest typing up three/ 4 chapters is alot when I have been working on other stories that I want to release soon in 2025. So I'm sorry for making you guhs wait but I put Writting first before a lot of things soo... I'm most likely not going to be updaiting Riptide till the 10th January 2025.
HOWEVER, stories that are being released in 2025 will still go ahead :)
I realised I should focus more on my life in fhis turning point for a few days (2 weeks and a half) and get used to my new life style before I begin to updats Riptide again. Othereise it'll be hectic.
I hope this clears alot