this message may be offensive
Heyo! I dont know if any of yall remember me and my works but I'm going to be removing the second squad posts. 1) becuase Henry doesnt want to be associated with Second Squad any more, and I shall respect that. 2) Aksel and Alex arent friends anymore and it breaks my heart 3) I don't have motivation to write or do anything anymore <3 mental illness hits different. If you want to somehow save the fics, just like idk copy and paste the text and put it into google docs lmao idk but Im going to make the fics private. I hope everyone who reads this is doing well and also respects Henry's, Aksel's, Alex's etc opinions on this shit idk Hope y'all stay safe and wear a fucking mask and wash ur hands :3

I'm gonna remove the fics in a few hours up to a day*** So reread them or save them while you can lmaooo