
Thank you so much for fanning me Whitney! It means the world to me and I'm forever grateful for your support and love, your an angel and I cannot thank you enough! ♥
          I really hope you enjoy my stories and please don't be afraid to give feedback, I hope you continue to show your support, and check out my other work! =)
          If you have Facebook my pg is; and my group is;


Hi Whitney,
          I just read the first bit of your story and I hope you write more cos I really liked it! I'm new to wattpad too and I just finished my first  story so I was wondering could u read it any tell me what u think? My only fan on wattpad is my friend so she is the only person who has read and commented and I'd like to get a second opinion. Would u mind? It's called N.E.W Girl (nervous,eager,wtf just happened to me?) and its by dramageek16. Its a very long title, I know! Thanks!xxx