love ya girly pop

I have your IP your home address to your government Files say a lot about you.

Hi I'm just bored right now

I’m actually thinking of making a story of my characters hollow and dia, but I’m not sure, just a thought

Making a couple of Gacha stories because bored

I got pikmin 4!!!!!! I preordered pikmin 4 and I have saved up visa gift cards for this specific game because I like pikmin, pikmin are also adorable, I love taking pictures of pikmin on my Nintendo switch on pikmin 3 the demo

Power keeps going out at my house :( but I have my books and honestly I’m vibing! And my internet is kind of out as well, but meh whatever, I keep seeing knocked down fences and stuff, also it’s almost my brothers bday, and my brother started playing connect 4, (no offense but he’s really bad at it)

So I found c15s diary that I wrote, i fr thought I lost it, and I’m writing more diary entry’s for c15, because fun, and idk what to do now, and I’m finally done with those kids! Those kids scared the living crap outta me…..

@Glen040 you die on my b-day then I'm going to grab you from haven and slap you back into your body.

Have to work with kids for the entire week, I have to do arts and crafts with the elementary school kids, wish me luck , and I made a new friend there as well, so that’s all, see ya

@Glen040 your welcome! so anyway here is the lore Idea I have for C15 and little lady for when they enter the school. so I was thinking that they could like kill the teacher by getting her killed by one of the bully's trap's or whatever.