
Ok so I am reopening my request for Fics and edits. If you want me to write you a fic please let me know. I have only done this a few times. And people seem to like it when I do this. I am working on one now that will be poster here on Wattpad and AO3.


Would you be willing to do a sfw Hazbin or Septic rp with me on dms?


@nightfurygirl123a  I am down what are you thinking 


Ok so I am reopening my request for Fics and edits. If you want me to write you a fic please let me know. I have only done this a few times. And people seem to like it when I do this. I am working on one now that will be poster here on Wattpad and AO3.


I am getting really tired of seeing gossip and rumors flying around. Its not our place to spread nativity, we are meant to spread love and kindness to each other.  Not to mud sling and bring people down. This really needs to stop. This is why I have left so many community's  and fandoms.  People take things to far and start ripping people apart.  Its not right, its down right hurtful. I am 37 years of age and am glad to be part of so many fandoms and community's,  but when people start playing high school drama games, while spreading slander without proof. It sickness me to see a community that turns its back on another. Did Disney's movie Bambi not teach yoh anything? In the words of Thumper, "If you can't say anything nice dont say anything at all" we either stand together as a community  and support each other or we all will fall. I will not stand by and watch fans in so many community's  tear apart  other fans. Someone has to take a stand and help and keep the  positivity going. All it takes is one voice. I am going to be that one voice. Stop hurting people with words and hate. I will not stand for this and I know so many others will as well.


I have a great need to RP Phantom  and Marvin..... I have a great need to RP Mare and Anti...... I have a need to make edits but I lack the motivation  to do so. Someone inspire me please...  I also have a need to read some fanfics....


@Undeaddragons yes you do and I am loving  it. Its. So cute and awesome  I love it my little friend. We will have to plan more RPs and edits latter on =^.^=


 day I got chu???