( Before i start i juzt want to say thiz iz not at all trying to disrespect any of the shipz mentioned in thiz post, if any of it iz taken az an attack i am so sorry az i am not great with tone and word choice . )
“ I am a RarePair shipper, az some may know my favorite RarePair iz Friez X Donut . But i have more . The one i wanna focuz on right now iz LuckyLight, Clover X LightBulb . I have a friend who iz a LightBrush shipper, LightBulb X PaintBrush, and i used to ship it az well . I slowly switched to LuckyLight and SilverBrush after discovering the shipz . My friend knowz thiz . Before, when i shipped LightBrush, my friend sent me NO shipart of them . Now that I dont ship LightBrush suddenly he’z sending me shipart ???? What ????? But before all thiz he did something similar . I headcanon all the Algebralienz az siblingz with Four and X being twinz . My friend, same one, iz a FourX shipper . When i explained to him *my* AU’z lore he said ‘ But FourX iz canon ‘ . He did thiz multiple timez and I ended telling him off, he stopped but now whenever I mention Four and X being twinz he sayz ‘ but they look nothing alike ‘ like — THEY’RE NONIDENTICAL — !!!! iz thiz trying to pressure me into the more common shipz or am I juzt crazy . . . “