
Updated my page finally, bc of Bennett my beloved <33


I think I made it obvious that I’m bot gonna finish BTSCBAYH (my book) soon, but I am working on another book that’s lighter hearted. It’s a Kokichi x Rantaro pregame fanfic, I’m like about 1/3 done with the book. But I’m planing to release it when its 2/3 done or maybe all the way done so I don’t have to be super inconsistent like I was with my last book . I just wanted to tell you guys I’m alive and in the process of another book, I’m pretty positive it won’t be released soon though. I’ll see you in one of my books - Astro <33


Hey.... how y’all doin? I know I said I would be finished with Breaking the stone cold barrier around your heart but, I don’t really like the story anymore. I like the concept and all but, I don’t really write like that anymore. I guess you could say I improved but I’m thinking about archiving it. I mean I’m halfway done with the last chapter and I guess it would be a waste just to throw it all away but. I’m just contemplating. Do you guys have any thoughts?


Hey everyone! So, my book as you could probably tell is coming to an end in 3-4 or so chapters. I already know what’s happening so it should be quick. But this post is about my next up and coming book, I was planning to do a Kokichi x Rantaro fanfic where they’re still in school. But is that something that you guys wanna see? I mean, I was wondering if I should do something like this. Is this a good ship, I personally like it but I don’t know if it’s that well received, since the Danganronpa fandom is kinda old. This book will probably be released after I post what’s left of my current book and edit/revise the neagami book (it won’t take long), maybe even take a break for a month or two. I would just like to know your guy’s thoughts first of course, so please do share! Other than that, that’s all I wanted to talk about! So see you in my next chapter!


@Glitchc0rewh0re I'd love to see it Honestly I'm a multishiper and I like pretty much any ship (within reason).