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I can't even not be honest here, my favorite character to read fan fiction of is eyeless Jack and my favorite variety of them is the ones where we(the reader) just kinda live our life and it isn't with us being some psycho killer high power. I like the fictions we're we the reader are a normal human being who meets some fucking creepy dude. Or maybe it's more I like the fictions where they aren't desperate to shove us into the rest of the creepypasta fandim, yeah. I like reading the ones where it isn't desperately trying to shove the "THIS IS A FAN FICTION ABOUT YOU AND THIS CHARACTER AND BY THE FIRST WEEK OF KNOWING ONE ANOTHER YOUR GONNA FUUUUUUCK" no, i genuinely enjoy the ones where it's a great story line, it isn't desperately shoving all the other characters in(bold coming from me, but I'm also a shit writer so-), and ones where we the reader are just a normal person trying to survive. I don't know, i just love that shit. That being said I recommend the book "Letters to You" it's an Eyeless Jack fic and it is Immaculate. *chefs kiss*