
Haven’t posted in a while, just wanted to drop by and say that I’m apparently very alarmingly sick (idk how that happened) will be getting treatment and get hospitalized. If Y’all don’t hear from me in a while, just guess what happened :P


Haven’t posted in a while, just wanted to drop by and say that I’m apparently very alarmingly sick (idk how that happened) will be getting treatment and get hospitalized. If Y’all don’t hear from me in a while, just guess what happened :P


Every time I see people who I used to be friends with, I damn well know that if I would’ve stayed, they would never be as happy as they are now.


@Glitchtraps_kid I’m perfectly happy being friends with you.


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Worst feeling to ever exist is when you have exciting news or are just bored, that you have no one to call or text.
          You're just alone, sitting in a room, realizing that there is no one there. Realizing that you aren't someone's favorite, that you aren't someone's go-to when something bad happens. It hurts. It fucking hurts and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of always being replaced. I'm sick of not being important to anyone. I'm sick of always being left out.
          Sick of being the last one to know something. I'm sick of only being called when someone needs something from me. I'm sick of being used. I'm sick of people who tell me that they care for me but literally can't text me or call me.
          I'm sick of being alone. I can go on and on. But what's the point? Nothing will change. I want it to end. For good.


@Glitchtraps_kid You aren’t alone. No matter what you think, you aren’t alone. There will be a day when you can be free to do what you want and gain true friendships from that. Try to keep yourself hopeful for that day. That’s what can keep you strong.


@Glitchtraps_kid Kid, I’m here. I’m sorry that you’re going through whatever bloody thing you’re going through right now. I’m not leaving you again. I apologize for not being here for you. Please don’t do anything to harm yourself.


@Glitchtraps_kid that is absolutely not true. I might be happier right now, but not being in contact with you is not the reason. I miss you and I spent so many nights wondering if I did something wrong. I stopped texting you because it felt like I was being a burden or annoying or smth. 


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Something bad happened yesterday. My parents found something out. Something I did to... shorten my life. Because they know now how I think and in what mental state I am. They didn't get angry. They pretended like it never happened. But the moment my father Confronted me, was the moment I last smiled. Today I was in so much pain, I couldn't walk. I feel like shit. And the worst thing is, my parents try to make me laugh but I can't. As if I forgot how to laugh or smile in that moment. 


@Glitchtraps_kid I don’t have a Quotev account anymore. But Plushtrap does. I’m sure that you will find it quite easily.


I’d rather not here. I can message you privately or use my quotev acc. I finally managed to get one 


@Glitchtraps_kid Can you try to explain it to me?


How can one song, one song. How can it make me doubt my life? The song was about how life passes faster than you think. And I only realize it now. A couple years ago I thought it would take forever for me to finish school  and tomorrow I'll be 16 and in a couple months I graduate. A couple years ago I only knew my longest friend 3 years, tomorrow it'll be 10. I swear February was yesterday and tomorrow is my birthday already. So much has happened in a blink of an eye, and I'm honest, I'm scared.


@Glitchtraps_kid It'll be alright. I promise, it'll be alright. I feel like crap for not bein' on here more. You're goin' through a lot an' I wanna help.


I really can't post this on YouTube... so everyone who follows me there and is waiting for a video, I'm sorry but I can't. I physically and mentally can't bring myself to do anything right now. School started and I'm already sick of it. I literally just got in bed and started crying and I can't stop. I cant shake the feeling off that something bad is going to happen and I'm scared because I don't know what to do. 
          Please give me time and understand why I can't post right now.
          Thank you