
          	This is so embarrassing but honestly I’m a little scared to come back to posting here but I love sharing stories even if I haven’t been doing it as often as I would have liked. 
          	So… this past year was kind of a fail in a way. I did kinda write but not like I planned to write. I got a new job as a nerve and it took some getting use to. 
          	I found a new fandom to write in but really really missed writing for the BATIM fandom. How is everyone enjoying the new game? New lore! I enjoy it but Samantha and Miles as well as other stories I’m STILL working on will remind in the world I created as well as the world of the first game. 
          	But anyhoo…
          	I plan on continuing the Bent Universe’s stories. I want to finish the stories I’ve started and give a proper ending(?) to the characters I’ve grown to love. Plus I plan to finish all the WIP I have in my google docs. Which include FNAF and MCYT/DSMP fics. Which I’m really excited to get back into! 
          	I’m not making promises of when they will appear but I am promising to try and get these stories back up and written. Hoping to post snippets here and on my Twitter. Hoping to maybe start doing lives on tiktok where I write(?). We will see what 2023 holds. 
          	Those that have stuck around THANK YOU SO MUCH. Hopefully I won’t let you down. I appreciate you all so much. 
          	Here’s to a creative 2023!
          	Good Vibes and Light,


          This is so embarrassing but honestly I’m a little scared to come back to posting here but I love sharing stories even if I haven’t been doing it as often as I would have liked. 
          So… this past year was kind of a fail in a way. I did kinda write but not like I planned to write. I got a new job as a nerve and it took some getting use to. 
          I found a new fandom to write in but really really missed writing for the BATIM fandom. How is everyone enjoying the new game? New lore! I enjoy it but Samantha and Miles as well as other stories I’m STILL working on will remind in the world I created as well as the world of the first game. 
          But anyhoo…
          I plan on continuing the Bent Universe’s stories. I want to finish the stories I’ve started and give a proper ending(?) to the characters I’ve grown to love. Plus I plan to finish all the WIP I have in my google docs. Which include FNAF and MCYT/DSMP fics. Which I’m really excited to get back into! 
          I’m not making promises of when they will appear but I am promising to try and get these stories back up and written. Hoping to post snippets here and on my Twitter. Hoping to maybe start doing lives on tiktok where I write(?). We will see what 2023 holds. 
          Those that have stuck around THANK YOU SO MUCH. Hopefully I won’t let you down. I appreciate you all so much. 
          Here’s to a creative 2023!
          Good Vibes and Light,


HELLO THERE!!! I have returned with a post!
          It’s unfortunately not what most would expect but creativity is a strange thing. Also so are fandoms. This one especially. 
          Warning if you are not caught up with streams/lore of Las Nevadas or the Prison Break of the DSMP this may contain spoilers. 
          I hope you enjoy this story. Punz is my favorite character of the DSMP and I just wanted to write this so badly when I learned he was still allied with Dream. 
          Samantha, Miles, Shawn and Dark will be back soon. I promise. Just stretching the fandom writing muscles. 
          Light and Love,


          Wow... So... I've been MIA, haven't I? 
          The past few months have been rollercoasters to say the least but I think I'm now getting to a point that its not scary and I can handle the ride.
          Anyhoo... writing has been happening. Its so slow but its progress. 
          Bendy AU stuff as well as some other fandom related stories. Hopefully everything will be well received.  
          I've missed writing and posting for you lot so hopefully some semiregular posting will happen soon. My characters need the movement. 
          Hope you all are doing well!!! Write for you all soon!
          Light and Good Vibes,


Wow!! Two updates in one month??? Is Glitchy glitching? lol No I’ve just been gifted inspiration via my talented mutuals/friends!
          New part of Last Day is up!! 
          We are extremely close to the end of this story. Which in truth was suppose to be a one shot but I thought it would be more fun to have quirky stories of days in the studio before we get to the actual last day. 
          Miles last delivery? Who knows. 
          Thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoy!!


New part of ‘Last Day’ is up!!!
          This part was heavily inspired by a wonderful friend of mine’s.zaki on TikTok. I highly recommend you checking out their content. They have done an amazing job cosplaying Miles. Their cosplay really helped with the writers block I was experiencing. 
          Here’s a link the the TikTok that inspired this part:
          Thank you so much for reading. Enjoy!!!
          Light and Good Vibes!


          New part of ‘Last Day’ is up! 
          This part was both difficult and so much fun to write. I hope you enjoy reading it! Writing these cute little stories with Miles and Samantha have been very therapeutic. 
          Light and Good Vibes!✨


Late Post!! 
          But a new part for Last Day is up!
          Hope you enjoy reading it.
          Fun Fact: this was the very first part I wrote for this story. I have a very strange habit of writing out of order which is totally obvious because of how the stories themselves have been published out of order. 
          Working on the official post on tumblr of the order they go in!
          Light and Good Vibes✨


The final part of ‘An Old Chapter’ is up!!!
          I hope you enjoy it! And thank you all so much for your patience with this story and with parts being slow.  Things are getting back to slowly IRL which means writing will also be getting back on track. Woo!!!
          More with the Flynn Siblings will be coming so don’t worry! 
          Again thank you for reading!!!
          Light and Good Vibes!