Don’t get me wrong, if you somehow actually like the stories, don’t let that stop you from reading them. Knock yourselves out little dudes and dudettes!
But if you’re gonna be annoying, I’d appreciate it if you’d kindly screw off
People are really reading my cringe creepypasta-phase stories and being like “Uh tHatS NoT ReaLiStIc”
Guys please stop criticizing fanfiction. Go outside. Make FRIENDS. Eat something. There are plenty of things to do with your life other than being jerks just for the sake of being jerks (I wrote those stories years ago so I don’t really care anymore abt criticism, but what if I was still young and stupid? What if I thought that my stories were really good and then yall came up out of nowhere with your bs?)
TL;DR Please get a life
Yall really still out here reading that creepypasta story. I may actually update it just to give you guys closure but I don’t know why you’d want it lmfao
*has a lot of notifs because I haven't been on in a while*
Me: guys I'll update for you soon
*rereads what I had written*
:^) the cringe...