hey. followed you. plz follow back.
P.S. Not to burst your bubble, but 3rd gen sucks. There aren't enough good pokémon to counteract the bad ones. I mean, for every good one, I could name a bad one. Simple. There are no eeveelutions, only one baby evolution, too many 'partner pokémon' that Nintendo tried to persuade you to use in double battles (We got Lunatone and Solrock, Plusle and Minun, Sableye and Mawile, etc.), and the only actual good pokémon in my opinion in 3rd gen is Metagross (Beldum and Metang suck), female Gardevoir (yeah, Gallade hellped a lot), Sceptile (not a fan of Blaziken or Swampert), and Milotic.
Just ranting.