Dear Readers,
Thank you so much for patiently waiting for the ending of the Novella: Out of the Dark. I finally posted the final chapters tonight.
I moved 450 miles and downsized from a house to an apartment that was half the size. I was in the house 12 years before the move, so there was an awful lot of "stuff" to sort.
In all the moving, sorting, packing, unpacking and sorting some more... :)
Well, I lost my notes for the final chapters at least 3 times. But as you will learn in my Author's note, I had a friend that helped me with the final push.
I have already started the research and planning for a few new stories. I am leaning toward the next book being a prequel to Greenwood Knight as the characters have started talking to me and I think I finally found a way to reconcile the two halves of the story. If you don't already, be sure to FOLLOW so you don't miss anything.
Thank you again for all the comments and support. You really are the best part of writing. So, Dear Readers, here's to many more shared stories.
See you on the next page!