It has been months since I've posted anything and I don't plan on ever posting again. I will keep my account up for anyone who want to read what I have. I have finally come to the realization that wattpad is a boiling cauldron of Mary Sues and poorly written plots. Now, not all stories are like that, but too many on this site are. I have turned to the wonderful work of fanfiction.
I will be posting stories on fanfiction(dot)net under the pen-name TheOriginalGloryGirl. If any of you wish to read what I write you will fine me there.
Some of you might think badly of me for doing this, but it is something that needs to be done. Striding to get votes and comments lead me to succumb to the stereotypical Wattpad story. Case-in-point, My Morning Wake Up Call. There are so many damn vampire stories here, and even more Mary Sues, and Gary Stu's.
I have taken on the writings of Fan Fiction. For those of you who are unaware, fan fiction is when you write a story based on the plot or characters of a book, manga/anime, T.V show, movie, games, cartoons, comics, plays/musicals, and misc. things that don't fit in any of the categories.
I feel my choice is the best for me at this point. The community is of better people who don't go around sending messages and PM's begging others to read their stories. There is no voting, just reviews, and I have only seen a very few Authors ask for a set amount of reviews before posting the next chapter.
Wattpad, this is goodbye. It was a nice run, but now, it must come to an end.