Hello everybody,
I know that I've been neglecting this account for a while and I apologize for that. I remember this website as my place where I can let my creativity flow, explore new ideas, and getting to know my readers. I really hope that this summer I can get back into something that I did enjoy. I do have many surprises and goodies up my sleeves and I hope you all will enjoy every bit of them.
I guess this is a good way to say what has happened in the past two years. I am going for my third year of university (majoring public health), was able to get my first job on my first try (yay!), and had my heart was broken (boo..). But I am holding my head up high and making sure I get healthy (mentally, emotionally, and physically) once again. I've been hanging out with those who bring my best qualities and in return, I bring out the best out of them.
I really hope you all are doing well and I've missed you so much! Thank you for those who have been here with me since the beginning and to those coming here for the first time, thank you for showing love to my beloved books. Let's hope that I can keep up with my hectic schedule and get my groove back once again.
With much love,