
There's an exclusive Oneshot on AO3, and it's only there for a reason. It's Mackenzie x Gruber, and my name is the same as it is here.


Oigan, estoy haciendo un fanfic de Bluey, y quiero que me salga muy bien, pero tengo un par de problemas: SOY LATINO, me gustaría que me cuenten cosas Australianas pls, no se, comida de Australia (Con que se coma ahí me basta), Deportes que se juegan allí, Sus animales, plantas, TODO. Porque bueno, ya saben, Bluey es de Brisbane: Australia. Diganme todo lo que sepan, no importa si no viven allí
          (A, ¿y me podrian explicar como se juega el Cricket?)
          Hey, I'm making a Bluey fanfic, and I want it to turn out really well, but I have a couple of problems: I'm LATIN, I'd like you to tell me about Australian things pls, I don't know, food from Australia (I'm satisfied with what they eat there), sports that are played there, their animals, plants, EVERYTHING. Because, well, you know, Bluey is from Brisbane: Australia. Tell me everything you know, it doesn't matter if you don't live there.
          (Oh, and could you explain to me how to play Cricket?)
          This message will be sent to everyone I know who has a Bluey fanfic
          (Este mensaje se enviara a todos los que se tienen un fanfic de Bluey)


are you mad at me?


@CricketFanAUS Nuthin, I was just messing with you


@Gluten_Free_Gluten i don't know, what did you do? *confused*


Someone on AO3 asked to roleplay with me on HtH.


@g47queen274463729  You preach about 'choice' and all that jazz, yet you say someone close to Gluten deserves suffering or death? Just because of what you *assume* to be his opinion? You sound just as bad as the villain you claim he is.  And where do you infer that the opinions of a character he writes in a fictional, let me reiterate, *fictional* book, have any sort of semblance for what he believes as an actual individual?  Please, make sense before you start fights on the internet. Rage baiting is lame.


Alright folks, he's here. President Trump is the 47th president of the United States.


@g47queen274463729 why not let people have their own opinions without someone like you to complain about it, isn't that the freedom you get with trump?


@Gluten_Free_Gluten not glazing or nothin but, i like you. you make kick ass stories, you're chilled out. you are not a bigot and no one in your family deserves to die or suffer. i think that you are awesome sauce, even though i don't personally know you.