Sorry anyone still even remotely interested in me. I have been very sidetracked lately and starting a new med and awaiting if it's going to help or hinder me.
I have seen your work before but I have not yet read any of it, that said I am excited to read your stories and have added them to my list! Thanks for the follow!
Anyone wanting to gander at what my artwork looks like, "Awake OCs, Get to Know" I have provided the art work for chapters: Aphid Jordsvar, Kor Bjergsen, and Kolgrim Bjergsen. (I haven't sketched Tressa or Tsuni yet lol)
Hi again. I updated Awake (bios) again I forgot to add two more things go each of their bios soooo. Yeah. Okay. I'm done for now, aside from adding more characters as we go.
Sorry, y'all, I'm still here! I will catch up on y'alls stories soon and keep posting mine! I've just been sick, getting blood work done, and my birthday just passed. Lol
@GnerdyGoblin Also, to add. My husband got me a brand new art tablet with all the bells and whistles for my birthday, so y'all might see my official art on my stories ;)