
New story called Autumn is up with the first two parts! Hopefully I can remember to keep up with this one 


So I've decided to try and write a new story.....and I'm not sure how it's gonna go updating wise cuz I've been pretty sucky at it for a while now. But I promise that I will finish this story. And I'm still working on the revisions for One Choice I just don't have them where I want them all right now. But this story is different. So I hope you all like it and I'll post the first chapter in a little bit. 
          This is a story that I've wanted to write for a while now I just wasn't sure how I wanted it all to fold out and how I wasn't sure on how to actually write it all down. But I've got the plot, I know where I wanna go with it and how I want it all to end so hopefully it turns out well. And I hope you guys like it! 
          It's called There for You.
          Still not too sure about the title. I've gone through about 15 different possibilities for it but for now I'm sticking with this one. This story is actually based on a Flyleaf song that's also called There for You. It's a really beautiful song as well as all the others they've written. There are a few that kind of go along with this story but I'll talk about those later. For now, I hope you all enjoy this first chapter! 


this message may be offensive
People are so fucking petty and sensitive. Like if you get offended that easily by what I say, even tho it's not offensive to you in any way whatsoever then please just leave. Cuz I don't have time to fuck around with you and spare your pathetic feelings.