As Kayleigh said below, yes, I am leaving Wattpad. There’s too much that’s just... toxic and gross.
But with my leave, I have one final statement now that I won’t face anyone’s angriness;
The ALM people fight for equality. The BLM people fight for equity. The difference is that with equality, everyone gets the same treatment no matter who needs it more. That’s like if people with no mental illnesses went to therapy. Equity is fairness, I can’t describe it in my own words so I’ll describe a visualization. There’s a tall person, an average person, and a short person standing in front of a wall. In order to see over the wall, the tall person needs no boxes to stand on, the average person needs one box, and the short person needs two boxes to stand on so that they’re all level and can see the same thing. However with equality, everyone gets one box to stand on so the tall person sees way over the wall, the average person is just peeking over the wall, and the short person still can’t see over the wall.
I know that ALM people are all about equality because when I posted a visualization of worms on a string and bandaids to represent why you should support BLM instead of ALM, someone commented asking why the worm who didn’t get hurt shouldn’t get a bandaid to use later in case they do get hurt. Well, that is a valid question and here’s your answer;
Visualizations only work as far as what is in front of you. Visualizations are only a hand-holding step to the real world and in the real world, no one just stores away your rights as a human to use later. Bandaids are a one-time use but rights are always present and are very important to use all the time every day. Plus, even if you could store them away, why would you want that??? Ah yes today I’ve decided I do not wish to apply the freedom of speech to oneself, please beat me to death if I ever share an unpopular opinion.