
If anyone knows how to edit your cast list will you PLEASE help me! I put down some characters as mom and dad before I picked out their names and now it won't let me change their names on the cast list.


@God_is_my_only Go into your story in edit mode, any chapter will be OK. Next to "publish changes" there are three little circles. Click that, and a drop down box will appear. "Cast" will be on there somewhere and you can change it.


THANKS so much for the follow. God bless you.


@carolynannaish well I'm happy to follow back!!! 


Yes, I know that lol - many times, though, I am not followed back so I do sincerely thank you for this - I'm wanting to follow fellow Christians and it is up to them if they want to follow me or not so, it is an extra blessing to be 'followed' back. Sharing the LOVE of GOD.


@carolynannaish You followed me first hun! Thank you!!


❤️ Beautiful Person Award ❤️
          Once you get this award, post or paste it on the wall of eight people who you think deserve it! If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it’s wonderful to know that somebody thinks (knows) you’re beautiful, inside and out!


If anyone knows how to edit your cast list will you PLEASE help me! I put down some characters as mom and dad before I picked out their names and now it won't let me change their names on the cast list.


@God_is_my_only Go into your story in edit mode, any chapter will be OK. Next to "publish changes" there are three little circles. Click that, and a drop down box will appear. "Cast" will be on there somewhere and you can change it.


Hey guys... please please please read my new book and give me some feedback! It would mean so much to me! So far only my friend  from school read my stories and I would really like it if y'all would do this for me! Thank you to anyone who does! Me Ke Aloha


Hey guys, I'm back on Wattpad... No, I did not finish my Bible reading but, I was treating it like a punishment so I decided to just try and read the Bible more often. Anyways... Please Please Please! Read my new book and comment what you think! It would mean the world to me! Thank you so much!


Hi guys, I wanted to let you know that I will be taking a break from Wattpad for a bit. I have been spending a lot of time on here and I need to chill out a bit. I have decided to take the time I usually spend on here and read the Bible during that time instead. I will not return to Wattpad until I have finished the entire Old Testament, then i will allow myself two day and then go back to the Bible until I  have finished the entire New Testament. I love you guys and can't wait to get back to you!