Good morning Grace,I'm Faith(how cool are our names!) I just wanted to say your page is so stunning! and may your day be filled with Grace&Faith!!(haha get it!!)
Hi! Just want to say, I love your bio! I love how you're so open about your faith. (: If you want, you can read my testimony. It's called Walking Through the Darkness. That would be awesome if u did! And if you don't, then that's fine too! (:
God bless!
Hey. I'm trying to find some clean, maybe even, daresay, Christian books on Wattpad. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, please tell me. Once I read them, I want to give them a shoutout and/or review!
This is going to sound really stupid, but I am so excited to be ranked #657 in spiritual, that I can't stop smiling. I am going to keep working and get it on up to the top. And check out my updated bio. Love y'all-Gracie