Hallo everyone! So I’m planning another story (don’t worry, I’m not abandoning the one I’m already writing) and I need your help. It’s gonna be a Naruto OC story and I want your opinion on his name. Yes, the OC will be a he. There are only two name options but you can always give your own idea if you want to. The options are: 1. Suisei 2. Ryusei Ok, I know the names suck but I’m terrible at naming and I’m sorry TvT So either type “Suisei”, “Ryusei” or you can just put one of your own name ideas. Be sure to tell me the meaning of the name idea and it has to be Japanese. Thank you and see you all in the next chapter of my on going book. It’s a work in progress because I’m pretty busy these days due to some personal problems. I’ll do my best to upload it soon. Enough of my rambling, hoping for a few replies.

@NamikazeNaruto20 Ryūsei means meteorite (i think, either way I’ll keep it as an option) and suisei means comet. I’m planning for the protagonist’s affinity to be fire and wind. I might change it to water depending on the replies I get

@GoddessCyrus I don't know the meaning of the second half of the words-sei... But I think Ryu is Dragon in Japanese, Sui must be something related to water... (I'm sorry to all if this is incorrect!) What are you planning for the protagonist's main affinity?