I would like to thank @insomnia_neversleeps for creating my background picture!!! YAYYYY!!!! ARIGATOU INSOMNIA-CHANN!!!! WITH THAT!!! I WILL FOLLOW YOU!!!
I would like to thank @insomnia_neversleeps for creating my background picture!!! YAYYYY!!!! ARIGATOU INSOMNIA-CHANN!!!! WITH THAT!!! I WILL FOLLOW YOU!!!
@LaSt_AccEleRatoR: Yahoo~~~ godellina-chan here~~~ of course! I would continue quadruplet phantom! it's just I'm really busy in schools and stuff so I don't have any time to update any of by stories, but don't worry...school is almost ending soooooooo~~~ I'll update as soon as i can!!! Ciao ~~~
Sorry my message board is being weird but That's okay for the follow my message board isn't letting me reply to you? but yes you're welcome thank you for following me aswell!!