
I’m afraid to say that my chapter for OBSESSION| TODODEKU will be delayed because I’m having trouble writing because I’m not in love with my drafts at all and this is the third time writing this for my story. I want to get it done before Saturday so I can work on my oneshots again over spring break so sorry to disappoint you guys but I’d just rather have you guys see a chapter that I put effort to instead of one that wasn’t my best. 
          	   Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!


@Godess_Of_Yaoi I love the story I’ll be willing to wait:)


@Godess_Of_Yaoi  I love your stories so much. You shouldn't go over your limits, take a break and have fun. We can wait. :)


Hiii!!!! ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ sooo~ I really like your writing could I maybe suggest some more dakaretai otoko writings on their adventures like maybe they start a family? Or make a business!!! I have some ideas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
          (Hola! ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ taaaan~ Me gusta mucho tu forma de escribir. ¿Podría sugerir algunos escritos más de dakaretai otoko sobre sus aventuras, como por ejemplo si empiezan una familia? O hacer un negocio!!! tengo algunas ideas) 


Hey Godess_Of_Yaoi I really loved your All eyes on me one shot in your Tododeku oneshot book! It was a great read and I was wondering if I could use it and make a book based upon it?
          If you allow me to use it I will say your book/oneshot did inspire me.
                                    Your reader. 


Yeah of course, I’m glad that my oneshot inspired you to make something new. When your done making the first chapter or so I wanna read it


I’m afraid to say that my chapter for OBSESSION| TODODEKU will be delayed because I’m having trouble writing because I’m not in love with my drafts at all and this is the third time writing this for my story. I want to get it done before Saturday so I can work on my oneshots again over spring break so sorry to disappoint you guys but I’d just rather have you guys see a chapter that I put effort to instead of one that wasn’t my best. 
             Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!


@Godess_Of_Yaoi I love the story I’ll be willing to wait:)


@Godess_Of_Yaoi  I love your stories so much. You shouldn't go over your limits, take a break and have fun. We can wait. :)


I’m sorry, This post for my story OBSESSION|TODODEKU is going to be late because I can’t do the all nighter to get it done, but it’s probably be out THURSDAY by 8 due to the fact I have homework and track and that is the main reason I’m finding less and less time to do things because my schedule is more packed nowadays but I’m still committed to this story so until then, 
             ¡Hasta Luego!


The oneshots are taking longer than intended, so I’ll post the ones I finished now and finish the last one I’m working on. And maybe write a funny one because I’ve been in a angst mood. Is that a sign? Well anyway, I’ll see ya Wednesday when I post another chapter on OBSESSION|TODODEKU. 
             Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego! 


Me being in the holiday spirit, I am posting Holiday themed Tododeku chapters in my one shot book all week! So read up, if you want to. And yeah, I worked really hard on these and my first one is up already and it’s called ‘Under The Mistletoe’ so yeah, check it out and the other chapters/oneshots will be posted all this week until Christmas where I’ll be posting my final holiday related oneshot. See you guys until then. 
             Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!


For the TodoDeku book OBSESSION, Now that I am done with my previous book, This will go back to its regular posting schedule which is EVERY WEDNESDAY so you’ll get a post then, Wednesday, miércoles, Mercredi. See you ‘til then. 
             Adiós ¡Hasta Luego!