@GodofVanity is there going to be a second part of Beautiful Scars loved it it was so so good

Just read what is there of Beautiful Scars and I'm hooked. Please finish.

@DeeAngel82 I'm really glad you like the story so far. I wish I was able to update more often, but I've been very busy with life; and just between us, I'm actually writing a second book ;)

Saw ur ending in Beautiful Scars and I just wanted u to know that I’m so sorry that happened to u. It’s horrible, so so horrible, but please keep ur head up. I promise things will get better! Hope ur doing better now

your book is so intriguing keep it up this book could really go somewhere where all looking forward to the next update xx :)

yeah, I'm editing that one and putting up the first one a bit out of order but I need to fix the grammar and all that :)

@1516danielle Thank you so much! I haven't tried to write anything before so I hope I'm doing alright. I ought to give your page a look as well. That mafia story seems interesting.