
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE hope you all have a great Christmas


I’m guessing you saw the differences I made.
          1: Unlike Naruto who unlocked lightning after getting tortured, Areion unlocked early due to copying Gamma, meaning Brevon was in big trouble from the start since he mistakenly unleashed Areion’s rage and unknowingly gave him a shocking power boost.
          2: Areion fighting Brevon. The warlord stood no chance against someone who can absorb electricity which means his torture methods won’t work and has the power to destroy a planet by himself. He then gets defeated again after Areion shot him in the head with an energy pistol and was met with more lethal barrage of punches. Then used Chaos Control to the point of stopping time like a certain neon vampire to destroy his mech suit.
          3: Areion staying human instead of turning into an animal like Naruto.
          4: Areion also uses moves similar to masked heroes you might be familiar with.