
If you like k-pop, then you should check out a group named Stray Kids if you haven't heard of them yet. They're really good. And very handsome might I add.


I lowkey think y'all should go follow JaneConquestBackup because her stories are pretty freaking awesome my dudes.


@AmateurOfWriting See? Was that so hard? I knew you knew how to spell it correctly.


Hello again, everyone! I have some big news. As of today, I will no longer be writing "Confusion Quarrel". Instead, my friend Loveaot143 will. The characters will still belong to me and my sibling, SorcererBurrito, and the plot will still belong to me but Loveaot143 will continue to write in my place seeing as I no longer have the time for that story. I will send her the plot later on. We might continue to use the original plot and change it a bit from before with little one shots here and there to spice things up and we will try to update somewhat faster unless we can't. That's all for now. Have a lovely day/night.


@AmateurOfWriting SorcererBurrito has changed their name to MagicPanda14


Hey I'm alive. Hope I'm not bothering you. Just letting you know that confusion quarrel will *cough* might *cough* be updated soon and I think I might take a story down to under go some heavy editing. True Monsters might be discontinued but I'm not sure. Let me know your thoughts on this.


@AmateurOfWriting i wish you the best of luck 


OMG THANK YOU ALL!!! You see, I would like to thank the people who have read Confusion Quarrel and True Monsters! It makes me so very happy that my stories are worthy of being read by you all! And sorry that the Christmas special for Confusion Quarrel wasn't uploaded! We were busy with the holidays at the time, Loveaot143 and I.


@AmateurOfWriting i love that confusion quarrel <3