Ima run away from my house and I need to get an hour away to my girlfriends house soon but I need a way to get there. No Uber because I only have 30 bucks and no friends because they'll just send me home.
Ima run away from my house and I need to get an hour away to my girlfriends house soon but I need a way to get there. No Uber because I only have 30 bucks and no friends because they'll just send me home.
A few days ago I snuck out to go to the park to breathe. I ran into a guy I met at the park with a friend a few weeks ago. And all he was talking about was that I'm a virgin and how he could take that. I told him no because I'm not comfortable with that. I'm 14 and he was 17. And I made a joke and he choked me.. and tackled me to the ground making my elbow bleed. He didn't go farther than that but it still scared me. I stayed for about twenty minutes holding my knife. And then I went home crying with blood going down my arm. This guy stopped his car seeing if I was ok. I just told him "oh I'm fine I just fell" He made sure everything was OK and he lived in my apartment area so I sorta knew him. He followed me to my street to make sure I made it home safe.. I'm having nightmares and stuff but I can't tell my mum because she'll say i was asking for it.