
Hi, guys and gals! I am informing you I am not dead. Just busy with school and writing my own stories.
          	First of all, Dekons of Our Galaxies (Galaxy Universe 2) is under heavy reconstruction, as partner with the story and well, he is out of it now, as well as his characters (except for three or five) and well, I am also writing Knight Ship is your home: Our home (KSIYH2) as well. So please, be patient, thank you.


Do u have a YouTube channel


@ For_Finnick  thanks. But I have problems with editing it. But can try in the furute


I think you should post speed paints on your channel cause i would love w watch them❤️❤️


@ Straykids_is_my_life  Hi, uh yeah. But I do not upload there often. Barely upload there. I have other social medias where my name is same as here. GoldenEclipse16.


Hi, guys and gals! I am informing you I am not dead. Just busy with school and writing my own stories.
          First of all, Dekons of Our Galaxies (Galaxy Universe 2) is under heavy reconstruction, as partner with the story and well, he is out of it now, as well as his characters (except for three or five) and well, I am also writing Knight Ship is your home: Our home (KSIYH2) as well. So please, be patient, thank you.


ENG: I have deleted Galaxy Universe book, the first one! Why? I have found a lot of words and dates being incorrect (mostly in Slovak language) and I need to edit it and make it with the timeline I have planned for second book. When I'll fix every mistake in both books, I'll be uploading them chapter by chapter. Stay tuned for it :) (Even though that no one really read that)
          SVK: Vymazala som knihu Galaxy Universe, tú prvú! Prečo? Našla som tam veľa slov a dátumov, ktoré nesedeli (hlavne v slovenskom jazyku) a potrebujem to opraviť a zosúladiť s časom, ktorý je naplánovaný pre druhú knihu. Keď opravím každú jednu chybu, tak budem vydávať kapitolu po kapitole. Buďte pripravení :) (Aj keď to nikto skutočne nečítal)


ENG: I must say... in chapter 8... Elinor's memories are... based on real life... events... that happened... to me...
          SVK: Musím povedať, že... v kapitole 8... Elinorine spomienky sú... založená na skutočných... udalostiach..., ktoré sa stali... mne...


ENG: Y E S !!! KSIYH!, first book of OC X Lockdown is out! I'll upload chapters after I'll finish the exact illustration for that chapter! Yes, I draw illustration for every single chapter. The book was already finished last year. You can read English version here:
          SVK: Á N O !!! KSJTD!, prvá kniha o OC X Lockdown je tu! Budem pridávať kapitoly hneď potom, ako dokončím určitú ilustráciu pre každú kapitolu! Áno, kreslím ilustrácie pre každú kapitolu. Tá kniha bola hotová už minulý rok. Tu si to môžete prečítať v slovenčine: