
Wow … this place is nearly unrecognizable now. 


@GoldenPen_  it's been a minute. Hope everything is well with you.


Once again here to say—I haven’t left—I’m still around on this site. The promotions and the (in)accessibility are both a nightmare on here now, but it hasn’t driven me off yet. Not sure if/when I’ll post something here, but I do still come here a few times a week to read and to go through notifications. :)


@GoldenPen_ will u be finishing the 3rd book 
            2050:Last stand of hopelessness?


This isn’t newly written or anything, but I decided to post it here for anyone who’s interested in my short stories. I wrote and revised it for a workshopping class in 2020, and it turned out pretty well. It’s not perfect, but I hope it’s enjoyable to read.


You seem like such a neat person— I can’t wait to get a review from you once my book is large enough for it.
          What are your favorites out of the books you’ve written? I’d like to start reading your work.


That’s actually a perfect time! Also, I don’t mind unfinished books.


@The_Suit_Guy I’d say that depends on what you’re looking for. 
            The series I have here aren’t finished, and probably won’t be anytime soon. If you still want to check them out, the Perkins School series is most recent. It starts with School of Secrets, and I think that overall that series is stronger writing wise. 
            I wrote the 2050 books, starting with The Beginning of the End, when I was in high school, so they have a lot of flaws. 
            I don’t really have a favorite story out of them all. I’ve learned a lot more about writing since I wrote all of these, so I tend to see their flaws more often than the strengths.
            I’d say to pick whichever one looks more interesting to you, and see if it connects with you. If not, maybe try the other series. I also know that some folks won’t be into either series, but I do have a poetry book if that would interest you as well. :)
            I’d also be happy to review your book. I’ll be taking new submissions probably near the end of January.


          My review of @sarahsarasarita’s book, Kingsblade, has been published. I will begin reading the next book in my queue this weekend. I am working on graduate school applications, which is why reviews have been even more delayed recently. I will try to keep them posting every week or two, but no promises right now.
          Until then, head on over to the newest chapter of Golden Pen Reviews to see what I had to say about Kingsblade.


          I just updated the queue section in Golden Pen Reviews. This may not mean a lot to those of you further down on the list, but the expected wait times for each person’s reviews have been updated. The first one should be finished and posted by Tuesday night at the absolute latest.


I am in the process of reading the next two books in my reviewing queue. I believe I promised that I would get to you guys by late September, so I’m right on time with that.
          Reviews should be up for those two books by the end of the month, or the first weekend in October. I’m going to read as far as I can, but I may not get to read your entire books.
