this message may be offensive
Hello lovelies! I am terribly sorry for the temporary but stupidly long leave. I know ya'll have been dying for me to update and now I finally can again! I have a computer, and I've been dying to write for some time now. You will not believe how many things I've thought of since I've been gone. Although, I will be pretty busy this year, I will try my hardest, and I mean break shit or something, to update as much as I can while I have the time. I'm so excited, and I promise none of my stories are being discontinued. I WILL FINISH! But anyways, thank you so much for all the love, support, and patience. It literally makes my day when I come back and see new followers and love in my notifications. I love ya'll so much, and I will hopefully update my stories soon! Also as a side note, I have been introduced to some new fandoms during my "break", I wouldn't call it that because PAIN, and I will most likely start some new stories on those too. Love ya'll, and I hope to see you soon!