Hey guys, I suffer from bad acne issues, and recently, I've come across a dilemma. You see, I had started out using Clearasil which didn't work at all for me, and then I moved on to AcneFree. My mom bought me the brush and everything to help me out with it. The brush really seems to work, but my only problem is I keep forgetting to use the acne treatment. My friend recently gave me a three step Proactiv acne treatment saying that it should help me, and I was wondering which one is better. I know that forgetting does not help clear up my issues, but I'm thinking about actually caring again and trying to get rid of my acne. I was doing research, but everyone who has used both that I read about says that AcneFree's purifying cleanser is terrible, but they didn't have the exfoliating brush to go with it. If anyone out there has used both at least once, could you give me some advise on which one would be better for me? It seems that the acid stuff that starts with an "S" doesn't really work for me, and Benzoyl Peroxide does. Both have it, so I don't know which one I should use. I would very much appreciate your help and time, so thank you all.