@LizzayTW IM SUCH A JELLY JELLY DONUT RIGHT NOW!!! Except for the part on where they hurt... I get headaches anyways from my little brother. I swear the devil posses him or something. No person in there right mind would disturb me when im watching a new episode of NCIS. It's just a fact of life.
@Golden_Sunshine haha i see you like glasses? i hav a real pair of nerdy ones i luv them but there real so they give me headaches :/ XD there black and neon pink :D
We watched the hunger games in class today.....
*Dogs jumps out from behing bush*
Friend: *Screams really loudly*
Other friend: *Jumps so hihh she almost knocks her chair over*
Me: *Scream and fall out of my chair*
Teacher: OH SH!T !!!!
Whole class: *Looks wide eyed at the teacher*
Teacher: oh sh*t.......