Hi.. um... When are you gonna continue writing?

@yoonmin_layf hi there! So sorry, but maybe i'll be able to post again around mid September this year ^^
Reading Lists
...Author's block at it's finest.. :'D just when people have time to actually update their books and boom- you suddenly have author's block... ;w;
Hi.. um... When are you gonna continue writing?
@yoonmin_layf hi there! So sorry, but maybe i'll be able to post again around mid September this year ^^
@Narudiv I was having a mini heart attack of how to do his hair XD slight trouble with the eyes having slight purple-ish tint but it's all good- also, thanks!
...Author's block at it's finest.. :'D just when people have time to actually update their books and boom- you suddenly have author's block... ;w;
Another story!- because that's all I could think of right now- So a girl met a boy at the cemetery. And it wouldn't be surprising if the girl was actually talking to a dead boy at that. "How did you die?" The girl asked. "I died because I suffered from a broken heart." He answered. The girl tilted his head in confusion. "But it isn't possible to die from a broken heart.." she said. The boy looked at her with sorrowful eyes as he smiled sadly. "Yes, you can. Because once you have your heart shattered into pieces, it would be hard enough to refrain yourself from doing stupid things. That's how I ended up like this." He explained as he looked up at the sky. "I've suffered enough, more than my heart could bear. That's why, when I needed her to stay, I let her drift away because.. she was already unhappy." He laughed bitterly as he covered his eyes with his arms. "And that's when I knew that was the day I learned that silence is really loud. When you have silence, it's hard to keep stuff out, that's why she felt so forced to stay.."
Part two- Eric rolled his eyes. "Great, i'm stuck with an idiot." He breathed out as Ben turned to him offended. "Excuse me? At least I'm not the one who's narcissistic!" Ben retaliated while Eric stood up and walked closer to the latter. "I am NOT Narcissistic Ben!" Eric said while Ben crossed his arms. "You always compliment yourself every second you get!" He defended. Eric clenched his jaw "Well at least I don't waste my time on useless things!" "Useless? You waste your time by looking at your ugly face in the mirror!" Eric groaned and found this argument was useless as he sat back. "You exhausted?-" "Yes, now shut up. I'm tired of arguing with you." Eric admitted and closed his eyes for a moment while Ben stared at him in surprise. "Will you stop staring? It's annoying." He said as he opened his eyes to stare back at the other. His eyes to widen when he saw the shade of pink tinted on Ben's cheeks. "You're... blushing.." "S-so what?" He stammered until he blushed harder when Eric answered without thinking. "You look cute when you blush." Eric covered his mouth as he shut his eyes tightly due to embarrassment. Ben blinked and let out a soft laugh causing the other to be confused. "What is even going on with us..? This isn't the usual.." he admitted. Eric smiled and shook his head. "Maybe the both of us just grew tired of it.." They both stared at each other with smiles on their faces while Ben softly agreed. "Yeah.. I guess you're right."
=w= I think i'm gonna keep annoying my message board- Arguments were always the usual between these two boys. Others think it's a daily routine for them to argue, while others were confused why they always fight. And well, that reason might be the both of them have caught feelings. Their friends were already getting annoyed with their bickering so they thought of locking them up in a room. "What the Hell! What are you doing here?!" Ben screeched when he saw Eric calmly seated on a chair. Eric raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing here? Zach told me to meet him here-" "He told me to meet him here as well-" Ben's eye twitched by the sudden realization that they lured the two of them in here to talk. "I'll just leave." He said as he tried to open the door, only to find it locked. "He locked us..." Ben murmured.. which Eric apparently heard. === I'll split this into two parts-
Ok, another quick story of SwEeT friendship- Cries, was the only thing heard inside a huge space where the boy had cried helplessly in his bestfriend's arms. His bestfriend sighed as he stroked the boy's head for comfort. "You're crying..." his bestfriend whispered. "All because of her." The boy shook his head as he nuzzled closer to his bestfriend. "I told you to get away from her, didn't I? Aaron?" His bestfriend lightly scolded with a shaky voice. Aaron pulled away to see Luke's emerald eyes decorated with tears. "I warned you.. you dummy. Look at what happened- a broken heart and an ugly face staring at me with tears in his eyes." Luke said as he wiped his bestfriend's tears away. Aaron sniffed as he looked down. "I'm sorry... I.. s-should've listened.." he apologized, suddenly feeling guilty for the other. Luke laughed bitterly as he shook his head. "Dummy." He let his bestfriend cry on him, keeping silent, not bothering to tell him sweet-nothings because he knew that it's the hurtful reality. He doesn't want to feed him with lies, so he just hugged him. And as weeks pass by, Luke found Aaron crying in his room again. Luke closed the door behind him and sat beside Aaron. "You're crying again..." he pointed while the latter looked away. Luke furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. "Let me guess, you're thinking of the person that made you happy back then, reminiscing all the good things.. right?" His bestfriend turned to look at him with red puffy eyes. "Yes..." he answered with a hoarse voice. "I loved her.. and I still do.." he admitted. "In that brief time the both of you were together, you showed her how much you truly love her." Luke sighed as he made his bestfriend look at him. "Breakups weren't made to hurt you and make you cry, they were made to get you away from the person you thought was right for you." He explained as he pulled his bestfriend in a warm embrace again. "You deserve better you idiot.."
QwQ screw my life i'll just annoy the hell out of my message board for being like this- There was this one girl who always isolated herself from everyone. She was.. different. Well, at first, he became somewhat like the person everyone could go to. Telling problems, asking for advice, that's why they always go near her. And in the end, she's the one that tends to help. Imagine, people going to you after a minor problem has them hurt, but they never saw how hurt you are. Well, that was the situation for her. Unloved, and alone. There was those so called 'friends' of hers, and she tried to tell them her problems and in the end, she was the one ending up listening to them because she wasn't finished with what she was saying. The point of her wanting to let all of the pain out, all kept to herself just because the other took all the glory to tell about their pains that weren't even as bad as hers. And as days keep passing, she grew more and more tired of society, thought of how ugly humanity was... until there was this one guy who kept following her everyday. The girl grew annoyed and asked the boy, "why do you keep following me?" The boy was silent, until a peaceful smile made its way to his face. "It because I love you." He said. The girl wanted to test it, so she said something. "Why me? My friend is more prettier, in fact, she's behind you." But the boy didn't look away, he just kept staring at her, which made her surprised. "You..." He chuckled and shook his head. "Perhaps love isn't the right term at the moment... judging from those cuts." Her eyes widened and asked. "How did you know?" He took the girls hand and smiled a little. "I always did, ever since.. I knew you were going through something, and let me tell you.." he trailed off, catching the girl's interest. "I'm not going to tell you to get over it like others do. I'm here, i'll help you get through it."
So, another quick story since i'm bored and i'd probably not be decent after the quarantine since I think the walls could talk now- A student once asked her mentor, "teacher, teacher how could you define love?" The mentor stared at her with blank eyes as he tilted his head slightly. "What love? For others, they say love takes time, some say it's painful-" "No, what I mean is, in your perspective, what do you think love is?" "Why would you ask me that?" His student looked down with pity in her eyes, and he could feel it, but kept a silent mouth. That moment of silence, made the man take his time to contemplate his thoughts about his student's question. "Love... is something where a man finds a woman who can complete him physically and mentally, and it is also where the woman could find what's missing in her from that man. The both of them are just with each other to complete each other's needs and what they both lack from the other." The man crouched down to meet the level of his student and made her look at him straight in the eyes. "There is no such thing as love, because in the end, you'll just have to be looking for someone whose worth suffering for."
Quick story telling since i'm having love life problems- kidding XD So, mama once told me that there was a boy and there was this girl he liked so much. But both of them avoided each other because they were afraid of rejection. Now, Years passed, they mustered enough courage and met under a willow tree. The girl was first to confess her feelings, and apparently, the boy felt the same too. Time flew by again and they both ended up marrying and stayed married for 25 years. They had two loving children, twins. But because of an accident, the girl had died. Her husband was devastated, but he knew his time was running up as well. He had cancer, he didn't tell his family to not let them worry, but since his children had their own families now, he thought that maybe it was alright. So, he went to the same willow tree where he had confessed his one true love, one last time and went home. The next day, he was found dead. And rumours had it that when you proceed to your afterlife, you will meet your soulmate there. You would never know if your wife/husband really is your soulmate, and that's when the man had found her wife, smiling ever so softly at her as she said something to her beloved with teary eyes. "Welcome home."
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