Timothy was waiting quietly, smoking, watching, taking deep droughts of his smoke, nervous, but not really showing it as he watched cars pass by and he sighed quietly.
usually the hellhound was pretty stealthy , but she had been hunting this one soul for a while , and it seemed that they had gotten smart . this was due to the fact that the poor hound’s foot was stuck in a baretrap . unable to get it off , the dog creature limped around the city with whimpers , before stopping to turn her head and lick at it .
This eventually caused her to raise hr head and turn back towards him . she really hadn’t gotten a good meal thanks to the trap . huffing , she slowly approached him until she could shove her snout into his hand .
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If you can spare enough time please do read this link below :) It is entitled THE WITCH CODE BY wtf11gray . It is about vampires and witches romance, historical fiction and a little mystery :)