
Weird Falls est une ville ordinaire de l'Oregon. Ordinaire ? Presque.  Depuis peu, la communauté surnaturelle (garous, vampires, magiciens) est confrontée à une menace sans précédent. D'où provient ce danger mortel ? Sauront-ils se défendre ? Ou le prochain solstice sonne-t-il la fin de la malédiction ?


I really want to go to Paris one day. What's it like


@Goldenspirity Is it wrong I literally imagined everything you just said. It must feel so amazing to even experience that once. That is why I'm trying writing in all honesty, to hope to experience this at least once.


@Road2Woodbury It's amazing, and what I love most is having a drink  on a café's terrace with friends in the evening. The Paris atmosphere is really special, no matter what time of the day nor what season you come, and I hope you'll get to go there :)