
HI GUPPIES! Did ya miss me? Probs not lol  disappear  a lot. But my new story, Healing Together is out! So yea, just wanted to let y'all know that.


OMG HIIII!! So uh, yea it's been a minute haha T-T. This tiny bean brain hasn't had any good ideas sadly. But I'm trying to start writing again because I really miss it. Also I'm not bisexual anymore. I'm straight, but I still strongly support LGBTQ+! I just cant change that @im_a_Bi_baby, bt it's fine. Also you're not froglets anymore. I've decided to go by my school nickname, Goldfish. Ya'll are now my Frys, one of the more attractive names for a baby Goldfish. Per usual, requests are always welcome! I know this is a truck load of info but I just decided to start writing again and wanted to keep you guys in the loop. I'll try to set a posting schedule, but most of my stories are probably gonna be at random. K, that's all! Bye, fry's!!!


Update, I have figured out how to change it