
WHOOPS, suddenly the embedded photos on Wattpad are gone :) guess I’ll have to copy and paste the stuff from my journal into Reverie :(


so, haha, update from my last announcement, which happened--oh my gosh, over three years ago.
          many things have happened. i don't need to tell you.
          but i will. through the perspective of one person. me.
          i'm going to release a book that has word-for-word, maybe even screenshots, of my gratitude journal. 
          and i hope to give you some joy, too.
          um... stay tuned, everyone. :)


full details in the newest chapter of Raise A Glass To Freedom!


Hello, dear! I'm just here to say that every one of your comments on my book The Wattpad Cliches is making me laugh! But as I can't reply to all of them, I'm just here to tell you you're an amazing person ! <3 Stay well! <3


@ZarinLyss Thank you so much for making this book!! I thought it had some great unique chapters as well as regular cliches (Bad Boy, Vampire etc.) and as a whole your book was amazing and very refreshing to look at, because I see so many stories with the Bad Boy in my recommendations. Hope you're doing well too! :D <3


Thank you for reading and the votes! ❤️


Aww that’s really great to hear :)


@katherine_s2002 Haha it's no problem! I love whales so I thought maybe there might be a few stories about them on Wattpad, and I firmly believe that they shouldn't be kept in captivity, so your story was really touching and one of the best I've read! <3


• my skin is clear 
          • my hair is layered and great 
          • new peach-coloured nail polish
          • pajamas that are my favourite color
          • made apple cake today and got everything right 
          • new marble pastel phone case 
          • will move in to college dorm room on friday 
          • making friends at college on my first days of the early classes i took 
          Everything’s great at the moment.


Holy crap...
          RAGTF got #8 in the Lin-Manuel Miranda tag...
          out of 551 LMM stories.
          This is really all thanks to you guys. Without you I clearly wouldn't have made it this far, and I'm so grateful for your patience in my (very) slow updates. IB exams are over for me, and I have only 1 final exam coming up in 9 days (which I'm 50% done studying for), but as of May 14, I've been FREE - like, completely free, done with IB, almost done with high school, and HAPPY. 
          I understand I have been neglecting this story for a while (I can't remember when I last updated a chapter), and it was irresponsible of me to do so, ESPECIALLY now that almost everything is done. 
          I still have a History project (a big one, which is due Monday) and a Math project, which my group and I are a week ahead of the class), so I realize I should be focusing much more time on this than just lounging around. 
          BUT, I have writer's block. Again. I haven't felt the "effects" as of now, but I've just been idle about RAGTF and realized I only get validation from the amount of reads. That's to say, I've been nervous after posting every chapter. Like it feels like I sprinted a mile, and not in a good way. 
          I have the ending planned out, but not the middle - I'm not even close to finishing this book and I promised myself at the beginning of my 11th year that I would be finished once I got to college.
          (Yeah, that hasn't happened.)
          So... in saying that... *looks at ranking, wipes forehead* Do you have any ideas of how I should continue after Chapter 16?


@SantosPhillipCarlo ACK I meant it was 1 when I read Hurricane!


@SantosPhillipCarlo Oh yeah haha I didn't notice that until just now - it was around 1 AM when I read the first part of that chapter.


@GoldsberryDiggs Thanks for vote and comments! Did you see the other chapter, though? I put The Story of Tonight in its own chapter because of length.