
Did I ever mention to you guys the new Overwatch hero is a hamster? No? Well he is!


So the new update on Overwatch is out and I have to say it feels completely different. So much new things has been added. Symmetra has gotten a rework and Horizon Lunar Colony has gotten a rework as well. Like wow....I love the game and all but to think so much has changed in a game under the course of two short years.


Alright. First things first, I apologize for my inactivity here. I have been very busy with life and with school. And I just don't got the time to write a story at the moment. Also, today they announced the 27th hero for Overwatch. It is none other than Torbjörns daughter Birgitte, who is surprisingly a support hero 8WHERE THE HELL IS MY DEFENSE HERO?!?!?!?) and the best part is that she is actually voiced by a swedish actress! By who she is voiced by is not confirmed but the voice sounds really familiar. Myself, I'm an expert when it comes for recognizing Swedish voice actors/actresses. For instance Johan Hedenberg voiced Megatron in Transformers Prime and Sharon Dyall voiced Daphne in Scooby Doo. Now, you don't know who the hell these people are butt hat does not matter. But it really bugs me that I can't figure out who this voice actress is as I have heard her voice somewhere but can't remember correctly...also, she is a one-star hero; meaning that she is gonna be very easy to play!


People can say whatever the hell they want with Star Wars Battlefront II. Personally, I LOVE IT! I got the game for Christmas yesterday and I have to say it is wonderful. It is as good, not entirely superior though, compared to the original Star Wars Battlefront II game. There you get to play as a retired clone trooper telling his story of the Republic going to the Empire and how he was part of the 501st. I haven't tried out the multiplayer mode yet since I am a guy who goes for the campaign as a starter so I can get to know the controls first.