*deep sigh*
So, I don't know why, but I feel like sharing my thoughts on this fine night.
I don't know what's on my mind though, there's too many things to actually be able to settle on just one, but I suppose I must; so here it goes.
An odd little word is it not? Something about it is a little triggering, and a little strange.
We all have a different view on what that great word holds, and I suppose in a way it depends on your history; your past, your entire being.
Some see it as something beautiful, profound; others see it as a curse, a drop in life.
Me? I dunno. It's confusing to me, I guess.
Is freedom fighting for what you believe in?
Or is it letting go?
Or it smiling because you want to?
Or smiling because you don't want to be trapped?
Is freedom a belief or an act?
A rhetorical object or a way of life?
Some would say, freedom is being able to do whatever; but that takes away the freedom of others, so how is that then freedom?
If acting on your own freedom takes away that very thing from someone else, can it still be freedom?