@GoneMadlyBonkers i'm also depressed but i try to keep myself happy by thinking of someone out there who cares about me. I care about you so i want to be your friend and i see what you're going through i've been put down so many times but suicide is not the answer to your problems sweetheart please listen to me i want to talk to you about it i want to be that one friend that will be by your side no matter stay here please there are people out there who wants you to stay and one of those people is me so if you want to talk about message me please and i'll answer but not right away. i have people making me want to hurt myself also but i stuck with my horrible life and thought about obviously what life can be like if you were dead and i think about justin bieber and when i'm going to meet him cause my life would be complete if i met him. He gave me hope and i want you to find that one person or something that gives you hope in life. I want to be your friend so anytime you feel down feel free to message me on wattpad. Anytime love. BY THE WAY I'M OBVIOUSLY A GIRL!!!!!!
Ugh I hate to see people upset at life. Been there I know how it feels. But hey^·^ I know this is such a cliche but if you think about it you should be between 14-15 so think in a few years you'll be on your own doing your own thing making life what you want it it be so yeah if you need more advice just message me Kay?^·^
@GoneMadlyBonkers i'm also depressed but i try to keep myself happy by thinking of someone out there who cares about me. I care about you so i want to be your friend and i see what you're going through i've been put down so many times but suicide is not the answer to your problems sweetheart please listen to me i want to talk to you about it i want to be that one friend that will be by your side no matter stay here please there are people out there who wants you to stay and one of those people is me so if you want to talk about message me please and i'll answer but not right away. i have people making me want to hurt myself also but i stuck with my horrible life and thought about obviously what life can be like if you were dead and i think about justin bieber and when i'm going to meet him cause my life would be complete if i met him. He gave me hope and i want you to find that one person or something that gives you hope in life. I want to be your friend so anytime you feel down feel free to message me on wattpad. Anytime love. BY THE WAY I'M OBVIOUSLY A GIRL!!!!!!