
Guys, I met Connor Franta today, and might I just add, he is by far he sweetest guy I've ever met! He's also the best hugger! It was so lovely having the opportunity to meet him and I couldn't say a big enough thanks to him for taking time out of his busy life to hug people <3 Lots of love <3


Guys, I met Connor Franta today, and might I just add, he is by far he sweetest guy I've ever met! He's also the best hugger! It was so lovely having the opportunity to meet him and I couldn't say a big enough thanks to him for taking time out of his busy life to hug people <3 Lots of love <3


Bonjour mes amies! Not sure if I spelled that correctly... Anyway, you all know I'm not very active recently, but that is about to change! My amazing sister has agreed to help me out, as she is taking a break from her account! So, if you want any particular stories updated, just leave us a message or comment or something! :)
          Lots of love, Sunshine <3