
Happy new year fellas, thanks for sticking with me this past year.


@GoodOleRed no problem, my friend. we are here for you 


@GoodOleRed Hey there! I re-read the series, and I have a couple of questions for you again:
          1.Why are there so many anthros in the U.S. (outside of the Civil War)?
          2.How are human-anthro hybrids treated in the world, or even on the CIC islands?
          3.What are the most common anthro species (e.g., vulpine, canines)?
          4.What type of government does the CIC have? Is it socialist, monarchist, or something else?


@GoodOleRed  Thanks for answering my questions!


@Blueshadesguy Right-o, to answer your questions, 
            Firstly, for why there's so many anthro's in the US out of any other nation mostly falls down to three categories.
            - European Immigrants, anthro's fleeing Europe for greener pastures, mostly escaping wars like WW1 and WW2. 
            - CIN Civil War escapists, people trying to avoid the CIN's two civil wars, so large spikes of immigrants around 1905's, and 1960-70's.  
            - Lastly, descendants of slaves, as the US had a large population of Anthro slaves, all from the south before they were freed during the US Civil War. 
            One thing to note is not all of the anthros that fled went to the US, some went to other nations like Canada, the UK, EU nations, etc, it's just that the US was closer for most, and very similar to the CIN at the time. 
            Secondly, it depends on the part of the world, plantigrade anthro's are seen as freaks by the more conservative, old world anthro's, so mostly anthros in the southern islands. But since they are so rare, people don't really have a hatred for them, besides they're own kind. 
            Third, most common are canines, vulpine, and felines, with sharks being a close runner up, and dragon type anthro's being one of the more rare type of anthros. 
            And fourth, for the government, the best way to describe them is a Democratic Federation. It's a bunch of islands that were once they're own nations, who only combined together in the past 100 years as of the time in the story. 
            The CIN stands for the nation itself, a combined Island Nation, while the CIC means combined island council, where the leaders of each island met. Sorta like the EU, if it was one giant nation combined into a single force. They have a president for the over nation, then leaders fro each of the islands, then leaders for each of the provinces on each of the islands. Pretty much a mix of the EU, and the US.


Where does the CIC come from, Where is their homeland located?


@Robloxiansoldier2000 Ye, I'm cool with more question. Thanks for your interest. 
            1. For the civil war, there's two of them with the current backstory I've got planned. To give you the spark notes, after the anthro's broke away from the British, they didn't really have a government, that when they made the UIA (United Isle Alliance) which only lasted twenty or so years. Around 1890ish, there was a gap of twenty or so years of no central government, until the CIN/CIC came along. They sorta forced every island into the CIC whether they wanted to or not. When the Southern islands didn't want to join,  the CIC invaded, leading to the first civil war, which the CIC won. It lasted from 1910-1919. The second started in the 60s, which the southern islands once more tried to break away, from 1962-1971. Then the terrorist attacks in the 90s even up to the early 2000s. 
            2. The anthro's have alot of media of they're own, they make they're own games, movies and shows. One of the top ten most popular bands comes from the CIC. But outside of the CIC, anthros aren't really showed in mainstream media, nor video games. So, games like Cod, Battlefield, etc, are the same as they are in real life. No anthros being in them, as they aren't made in the CIC/CIN. And within CIC media, humans aren't shown that much either, only ever on the news when CIC news stations are talking about issues abroad.  
            3. Haven't really came up with something, but if I had to say something, it would probably be different depending on the type of anthro, like a fox is a vixen, so vixen Sapien or something along those lines. I'd have to work on figuring out a name for them. 
            4. Not really, besides them being mostly born on islands, and away from the ancestors of humans, and lacking natural predators like humans, I guess the best explanation I would have to give, is they came from normal animals, due to them not being hunted by humans, or the wildlife, which is alot more hostile outside of the island chains.


@GoodOleRed Yo! this are some cool answers! I've got only 4 more if you are fine with that.
            1. Could you elaborate more on the civil war that happened in the CIC?
            2.How are Anthros portrayed in Human media(Games, Shows, Movies?) or vice versa?
            3.Do Anthros have a scientific name? (Ex.Homo Sapiens for Humans)
            4. Is there a reason of why do Anthros look like their quadruped cousins?


@Robloxiansoldier2000  Some answers maybe subject to change, as I still need to iron out the lore of the world. I hit word lim
            1. The CIC/CIN Armed forces are in the top seven or so most powerful militarizes in the world around the time of 2016. It's mostly the shock troop branch that does the heavy lifting outside the island chain. 
            2. The CIC during WW2 was neutral, only ever having a slight encounter with the Japanese Pacific Fleet once. For Vietnam, they never were involved, as most anthros from the US fled to the CIN to avoid the war. Overall, they stayed out of conflicts abroad. 
            3. Sorta of, although rare, planti-grade anthro's do exist from the hundred or so years of anthro/human intercourse. As digit-grade anthros are the natural form of anthros. 
            4. Worldwide, the population is around 389 Million anthros. With about 124 Million on the large chain of islands. The second most being the US. 
            5. Depending on the island/region, it could range from 90% to 2%. The more northern islands are more friendly to foreign nations and humans, as the southern islands, which lost the civil war have a burning hatred towards humans. Humans do live in the CIN, but make up only 0.02% of the population, about 24807 humans. 
            6. Yes. The British colonization of the CIN islands is the reason Anthros within my story exist out of the island chain. All due to the slave trade, and how useful anthros were at working in extremely harsh conditions all around the globe. 
            7. For the name of the islands, they're mostly known with they're positions relative to a compass. The Northern islands, East, South and west, with the small island groupings being squeezed between those larger one's, like the Northeast/west islands, Southwest/east islands. Along with the center island, which is the largest island out of the grouping. And for the language, they used to have one, but the British occupation forced them into using the English language, leaving they're home tribal language forgotten to time.


A quick FYI for everyone, there is a high chance in the next few days or coming weeks that I will be taking down my old book. As I'm tired of seeing it.


@Keloid37 hey man, I'd like a copy, if that's ok


@GoodOleRed Nevermind, I figured out how. I sacrificed my security by downloading some Chinese spyware looking app to download Wattpad stories. If anyone wants a copy let me know.


@GoodOleRed How do I download it?