@Urvelniel Yeah he really is it's funny how he said after the Lord of the Rings he said he'll never try doing 3 movies in a row again but then the Hobbit was coming out it was gonna be a 3-part movies I guessed he was right now it's a 2-part Movie or so I've heard
@Urvelniel True true lol plus Bilbo look really cute when he was younger xD I think it's cool how they got the movies out seeing Bilbo how he was 60 years before the War of the Ring started lol
@Urvelniel Lol I hear yeah I'm a tom-boy myself and yeah I seen the trailer awesome lol I have the book of the Hobbit it's pretty good but knowing movies they will add more to it can't wait Dec 13th blah to long for me but it's the Hobbit it's worth it
Ikr all though my top favorite is Lord of the Rings ha that's a no brainer xD anyways thanks for fanning me I'm really thankful still a noob on here lol