
My school is doing a spirit contest to dress up as or draw your Among Us character and I think that it is absolutely amazing.


Was having a conversation with one of my friends earlier, thought that this might be good to post (deleted part of it because it had some personal info in there) ;
          Ive met people online who have come out to their parents and they've called them an error, or mistake or something horrible.  Ive commented and given them advice and kind words, and then others comment about how that was beautiful and it made their day better and that it made them cry and so I tell them that they can message me and that they are loved and then I almost cry because I'm the one comforting these people who I dont know and making them feel better.  And oh god I'm gonna cry now.


@TheLyricWriter there are some good ones out there, fortunately :D


@colonelcalgary Thank you, this is just another example of online people being the most kind people Ive ever met.


@TheLyricWriter awwww, this is so cute. It's so nice you can be that person for people. If YOU ever need someone like that, though, I'm perpetually always on my phone and would be happy to chat with you whenever you need someone.